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I updated my ICH10R drivers to v14 8 0 1042 since those are compatible to Win10, according to Intel.. Nice, but Win10 comes with old RAID drivers v13 3 something and obviously without the Intel RST Management software.. Intel also provides Rapid Storage Technology (RST) software to manage and monitor the RAID volumes.. And when I got it to upgrade on a non-ICH10R controller it didn't recognize any drives (normal or RAID) connected to the ICH10R and no amount of persuasion would help. Visual Foxpro 9.0 Portable Download
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I updated my ICH10R drivers to v14 8 0 1042 since those are compatible to Win10, according to Intel.. Nice, but Win10 comes with old RAID drivers v13 3 something and obviously without the Intel RST Management software.. Intel also provides Rapid Storage Technology (RST) software to manage and monitor the RAID volumes.. And when I got it to upgrade on a non-ICH10R controller it didn't recognize any drives (normal or RAID) connected to the ICH10R and no amount of persuasion would help. e828bfe731 Visual Foxpro 9.0 Portable Download
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